Donation Incentives
2025 Event

Erich Mische
For every dollar raised during the first hour, I’ll take on real-time challenges:
- For every $50 raised: 10 jumping jacks!
- For every $100 raised: Sing a verse of “Country Roads” by John Denver!
- For every $250 raised: Sing a verse from “Apt” by Rose and Bruno Mars!
- For every $500 raised: Run in place for 1 minute!

I am an avid fan of the Sony Mavica line of retro cameras from the late 90s that use a 3.5inch floppy to record their images. I also have a photo printer from that line that reads those floppy disks and prints them out with dye sublimation. I am doing a bit of traveling in the next few months and plan to take a few of my cameras with me so I am offering a few options at different tiers for you all to choose from.
[1 - Cannon Beach, OR] I will send you a floppy disk full of vacation pictures / photo prints from Cannon Beach, OR
- $10: Floppy Disk Postcard [#1] Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA
- $20: Floppy Disk Postcard + Photo Prints [#1] Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA
[2 - Atlanta, GA] I will send you a floppy disk full of vacation pictures / photo prints from Atlanta, GA
- $10: Floppy Disk Postcard [#2] Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- $20: Floppy Disk Postcard + Photo Prints [#2] Atlanta, Georgia, USA
[3 - Nashville, TN] I will send you a floppy disk full of vacation pictures / photo prints from Nashville, TN
- $10: Floppy Disk Postcard [#3] Nashville, Tennessee, USA
- $20: Floppy Disk Postcard + Photo Prints [#3] Nashville, Tennessee, USA
[Combo Pack!] This incentive will net you a floppy disk(s) from all three vacations along with photo prints and anything else I feel like including! At a discount!
- $50 Floppy Disk Postcard(s) + Photo Prints [Combo Pack!] Cannon Beach, Oregon / Atlanta, Georgia / Nashville, Tennessee - USA
Official Save&Raid: Sanctuary Hot Sauce
- $333 There are TWO bottles of Save&Raid: "Diablo" Hot Sauce. This is a homemade hotsauce from peppers grown and ferminted by ArtyomHavok & Likeanapple. This delicious Hot sauce is good on pretty much everything and contains Scotch Bonnet, Carolina Reapers, Strawberry, Mango, and Onion. This sauce should be considered Mild-Hot and we assume no responsibility for any adverse effects.
Other Incentives
- $25: Pick a One-Hour Stream game - pick any game for me to check out during a One-Hour Stream this year! One-Hour Streams are usually about 3 hours long but not full playthroughs
- $100: Pick an Extra Stream game - Pick a game you would like me to fully play through on stream! In certain situations, like available equipment or the game being overly difficult I may ask for a second choice.

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $20: I will show off one of my two Corgis and give them a treat!
- $50: I will back squat Mrs Bogle, 2 reps. I find my wife, pick her up, squat, put her back down. She's not allowed to run, XD!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $20: You will get your own chat (sound) command on my channel!
- $35: Pick a game for me to stream (one stream)!
- $40: Pick a Discord movie night!
- $45: Pick a co-op game for us to stream together (your stream or mine, you pick)!
- $69: I will put your name on the shirt I will wear during at least 2 HYROX events in 2025/2026!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will eat a wasabi snack!
- $10: I will write your name somewhere on my body!
- $50: I will do 10 reps of an exercise (e.g. squats, jumping jacks etc.)!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $75: Pick a game from my backlog for me to stream!
- $100: I will have a dream about you (will try my best)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will put a cow sticker on my face!
- $10: I will eat an Extreme Warhead!
- $25: I will do a lime juice shot!
- $50: I will eat a spicy Jellybean!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: You will get a Deckard Cain Thank You!
- $5: You will get a Thank You from King Saltine!
- $10: I will show you what's on my desk!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
Donate to select an option from the menu of wrestling moves that I do to rookies at the Newcastle Pro Wrestling training school. I will create a cameo-style video doing the move in your name!
- $10: I will hit a Back Elbow in your name!
- $20: I will hit a Clothesline in your name!
- $50: I will hit a Spinebuster in your name!
- $100: I will hit my finisher (a Broadside Powerslam) in your name!
- $1,000: I will hit a Canadian Destroyer in your name!
Move during a show:
- $200: My tag partner Cesar and I will hit a Broadside Neckbreaker during a show and dedicate it to you (max 1 redemption)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $20: I will say "SEGA!"
- $50: I will go yo the nearest Taco Bell after the stream and post a picture of my meal on my socials!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: I will give Bandit or Smokey a special treat!
- $15: I will spin the Beanboozled or Fiery Five wheel!
- $25: I will eat a Carolina Reaper Beanboozled!
- $60: I will buy Bandit and Smokey a Bully Stick (max 1 redemption)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will give you a general thank you/shout out!
- $3: I will meow like a cat or bark like a dog!
- $5: I will do a quick drawing with my left hand!
- $10: You can make my next move, i.e. tell me to use a health/mana potion, stand still (5 seconds) etc.!
- $20: I will play 'blindfolded' for 5 minutes!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will pull up a picture of some weird Brazilian food for me to explain to chat!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $20: Pick any pre-2000s game for me to stream!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will wiggle my eyebrows!
- $5: I will recommend a game for you!
- $7: I will read an assembly instruction!
- $10: I will play using the Gravis gamepad!
- $25: I will examine a Diablo box!
- $30: I will juggle!
- $100: I will unseal a vintage PC big box game on a later stream (max 2 redemptions)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: Hats off! - I will remove the headgear from the character until the end of my hour (or until other $10 are donated)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $100: I will give the cats treats and do a Kitty Close-Up view!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1-5: I will read your message in my attempt of a Deckard Cain impression!
- $5-10: I will show a prop/cosplay item I have made!
- $10-20: Who needs a mouse to play Diablo right? I will ditch the mouse for 10 minutes to play with keyboard only!
- $30-40: Taste of Hellfire! I will take a good taste of some of the spiciest stuff I got my hands on!
- $50+: The Wanderer appears and takes over the stream for 10 minutes (max 1 redemption).
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $20: Pick a game for me to play on my soon upcoming CRT setup! Only 20+ year old games thank you!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: Necktie bonanza! I will put on an additional necktie!
- $25: I will eat a bite of a chili pepper!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will attach a clothes pin to my beard!
- $10: I will eat a chili!
- $20: I will spin the Wheel of Hats!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $50: Pick a GBA game for me to stream!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $Any: You will get the Philantrophist 2025 on Rad's Discord!
- $10: I will move my height-adjustable desk up or down!
- $15: I will put on a wig of your choosing for 10 minutes (Clown, Hermit or Red wig)!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $20: I will send you a diamond painting (max 5 redemptions)!
- $50: I will put on a gooey stroopwafel face mask (max 1 redemption)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will take a sip of a health or mana potion!
- $5+: You will get to vote on the class I will play in my personal Diablo 2 playthrough!
- $10: I will add extra sunglasses to my face until the end of the stream!
- $20: I will take a sip of extra health potion aka LEMON potion!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $50: You will be able to join the streamed one-shot tabletop game set in the Diablo universe (see Commodore Zed's $3k milestone; max 5 redemptions)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will not be able to move for 30 seconds in the game!
- $10: I will not be able to attack/cast spells for 30 seconds in the game!
- $20: I will put on or remove a wig without pausing the game!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $100: I will play co-op Diablo 1 or 2 with you, on normal difficulty, in a full playthrough (multiple sessions)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will talk through a kazoo for 5 mins!
- $10: Rally English for 10 mins!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $20: Pick a retro game tune for me to play on the Otamatone!
- $50: You will get 5 months of the VIP role on my channel!
- $100: You will get a custom personal channel sound effect!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: Spice is Nice - I will down some intense hot sauce!
- $25: Challenge Mitts - I must game with oven-mitts on!
- $15: Become a Snack-Man - Vaelkyrie will tape snacks to my face!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $2: I will add a sticker onto the stream!
- $5: I will do exercices - make Liqu get the summer beach bod!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will play with the Microsoft Easyball for 1 minute!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $64: Pick a DOS game for me to stream!
- $128: I will build a retro PC of your choice on a future stream and play a game of your choice on it (dependent on available hardware and games)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will attempt to say ”Diablo” correctly!"
- $5: I will stick a sticker on my face!
- $10: I will switch from mouse to trackball or vice versa!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $25: You will get the VIP role on my channel (max 10 redemptions!)
- $50: You will get a custom "hello" and lights (to be set up after the stream)!
- $75: Pick a game for me to complete on stream, as many streams as it takes (maximum of 2 rewards, game needs to be provided to me if over £15 )!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will increase the speed of the Mii Channel Music I have playing in my ears by 5% until it maxes out at 300% speed! Please specify to increase in your donation message.
- $5: I will decrease the speed of the Mii Channel Music I have playing in my ears by 5% until it bottoms out at 25% speed! Must specify to decrease in your donation message. Otherwise I will increase the speed.

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will put a googly eye on my face!
- $5: I will stick a silly sticker on my face!
- $10: I will eat a Beanboozled bean!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will add a cheese puff in my mouth and continue my hour (like the game "chubby bunny" but with cheese puffs) until I can no longer add them! Will restart if needed!
- $10: I will do 2 push-ups!
- $25: I will do an epic Guitar Power Stance (with audio and fan effects)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1+: I will give my dog a free-dried liever treat!
- $10: I will eat a Beanboozled bean!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I have a chip with your chosen hot sauce!
- $20: I have a shot of your chosen hot sauce!
- $20 then increasing 2x per redeem: Wear an eyepatch on the selected eye for 5 minutes (I can't see out of one eye, have fun guessing which)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $25: I will make a pixel art character after the event!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $4.86: 5 minutes of colorblind simulation!
- $5.86: 5 minutes of 3rd person cam!
- $6.86: 5 minute retro hardware show!
- $10.24: Revenge of the Jooooooooohn Freeman mic!
- $20.48: Open a sealed PC big box!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
Donate $25 for a googly eye on my face
Donate $40 to make me play with my eyes closed for 5 minutes
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
Donate $50 to make me read a cursed fanfic on stream (include link)
Donate $64 to choose a cursed DOS game for me to play (another stream)

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $25: Pick a retro console game for me to stream!
- $50: Pick an adventure game for me to stream!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: I will put a sticky note with the donor's name on my face!
- $20: I will do 10 squats!
For every $100 raised I will do a game key giveaway!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: I will eat a BeanBoozled bean!
- $20: I will do a Hot Sauce shot!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will give a small treat to Shadow the cat!
- $5: I will give a big treat to Shadow the cat!
- $10: I will play Diablo 1 on a hand held for 1 minute only using the web cam!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: I will make sure the Amazon appreciates you!
- $20: I will add another hat!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will tell a bad Diablo joke in an evil voice!
- $10: I will wear the worst gear possible in the game for 2 minutes!
- $15: Zool eats a bean selected via wheel!
- $20: Zool eats a Carolina Reaper bean!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will eat a spicy BeanBoozled bean!
- $20: I will eat a spoonful of hot sauce!
- $50: Pick a game for me to stream!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1 or more: Hat of Balloon +1 - NerdatArt will add a balloon to my balloon hat!
- $5 or more: We will send you a postcard of this year's S&R print that NerdatArt will be painting during the course of the event!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1 - $4.99: Virtual Roast Beef Sandwich (Diablo Style)!
- $5 and above: Virtual Beef and Cheddar Sandwich (Diablo Style)!
- $100: I will drive to the closest Arby's (~100km round trip) and buy a sandwich that YOU pick from the menu* (max 6 redemptions)
*must be on the Arby's Canada menu, must be part of the standard menu, cannot be a special or time limited item, side items/drinks/deserts do not qualify. If you do not specify any sandwich when donating, I will pick one for you on your behalf!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will add a Diablo or Diablo II sticker onto my shirt (my choice)!
- $15: I will sing roughly 30 seconds of a song (my choice, likely to be a drinking song or shanty)!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $50: I will add an embroidered patch of your Twitch profile pic onto my fishing vest for the remainder of 2025!
- $50: I will add an embossed version of your Twitch profile pic onto my top hat for the remainder of 2025!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: I will eat 1 Beanboozled Bean!
- $25: I will eat 2 Beanboozled Beans at the same time!
- $40: I will eat 3 Beanboozled Beans at the same time!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $75: Pick a game for me to stream from the full list of games that I own on my Discord!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will save *in game*!
- $10: I will read a random line from the greatest Legunsd ever tolled!
- $15: I will trigger a coin flip to use/waste a mana potion or not *in game*!
- $25: I will trigger a coin flip to use/waste a health potion or not *in game*!
- $100: I will trigger a coin flip to remove an item of armor or not *in game*!
- $250: I will trigger a coin flip to remove a weapon or not *in game*!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
I will be attaching things to a styrofoam head based on donation amounts (all higher donations include the previous tiers)!
- $5: I will write your name on the head!
- $10: I will stick a piipe cleaner into the head as hair, you choose the color!
- $25: I will attach a facial feature sticker to the head, you choose whether it's an eye, nose, mouth, etc.!
- $50: I will put a moustache on the head, and on myself!
- $100: I will eat a Toxic Waste candy (SUPER SOUR)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $1: I will shout out a war cry: "We smite thee in the name of <your name>!"
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $10: You will get an AtariBeerPong personal greetamus! A 1 to 5 min personal video card / Choose the personality - ABP, Dr. Evil, or Commodore Flip Cup / Tell me who it's for, the special message or topic!
- $25: Pick a janky DOS game for me to stream (keep it clean)!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will do 5 sprints / laps around the room!
- $10: I will do 10 push-ups!
- $15: I will do 15 squats!
- $20: I will do 20 jumping jacks!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: A light show happens automatically!
- $15: Kylo Chipboard shows up!
- $20: Chick-N-Bone shows up!

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $5: I will place a ridiculous hair clip in my hair that I have to leave in until I get home!
- $10: I will pull a charades card out of the deck and act it out for chat!
- $15: I will hug LGG!
- $100: I will write SAVE.ORG on my forehead (max 1 redemption)!
Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):
- $25: I will play a game that scares me with my cam on for an entire stream.

During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):
- $10: I will do a 30 second plank or Pilates ab exercise (LGG’s choosing)!
- $20: I will hug Tinderly!
- $30: I will close my eyes and Tinderly has to tell me where to go for 30 seconds!