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Donation Incentives

2025 Event

Profile image of: Erich Mische

Erich Mische

For every dollar raised during the first hour, I’ll take on real-time challenges:

  • For every $50 raised: 10 jumping jacks!
  • For every $100 raised: Sing a verse of “Country Roads” by John Denver!
  • For every $250 raised: Sing a verse from “Apt” by Rose and Bruno Mars!
  • For every $500 raised: Run in place for 1 minute!
Profile image of: ArtyomHavok


I am an avid fan of the Sony Mavica line of retro cameras from the late 90s that use a 3.5inch floppy to record their images. I also have a photo printer from that line that reads those floppy disks and prints them out with dye sublimation. I am doing a bit of traveling in the next few months and plan to take a few of my cameras with me so I am offering a few options at different tiers for you all to choose from.

[1 - Cannon Beach, OR] I will send you a floppy disk full of vacation pictures / photo prints from Cannon Beach, OR 

  • $10: Floppy Disk Postcard [#1] Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA
  • $20: Floppy Disk Postcard + Photo Prints [#1]  Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA

[2 - Atlanta, GA] I will send you a floppy disk full of vacation pictures / photo prints from Atlanta, GA

  • $10: Floppy Disk Postcard [#2] Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • $20: Floppy Disk Postcard + Photo Prints [#2] Atlanta, Georgia, USA

 [3 - Nashville, TN] I will send you a floppy disk full of vacation pictures / photo prints from Nashville, TN

  • $10: Floppy Disk Postcard [#3] Nashville, Tennessee, USA
  • $20: Floppy Disk Postcard + Photo Prints [#3]  Nashville, Tennessee, USA

[Combo Pack!] This incentive will net you a floppy disk(s) from all three vacations along with photo prints and anything else I feel like including! At a discount!

  • $50 Floppy Disk Postcard(s) + Photo Prints [Combo Pack!]  Cannon Beach, Oregon / Atlanta, Georgia /  Nashville, Tennessee - USA

Official Save&Raid: Sanctuary Hot Sauce

  • $333 There are TWO bottles of Save&Raid: "Diablo" Hot Sauce. This is a homemade hotsauce from peppers grown and ferminted by ArtyomHavok & Likeanapple. This delicious Hot sauce is good on pretty much everything and contains Scotch Bonnet, Carolina Reapers, Strawberry, Mango, and Onion. This sauce should be considered Mild-Hot and we assume no responsibility for any adverse effects. 

Other Incentives 

  • $25: Pick a One-Hour Stream game - pick any game for me to check out during a One-Hour Stream this year! One-Hour Streams are usually about 3 hours long but not full playthroughs
  • $100: Pick an Extra Stream game - Pick a game you would like me to fully play through on stream! In certain situations, like available equipment or the game being overly difficult I may ask for a second choice.



Profile image of: BeardedBogle


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $20: I will show off one of my two Corgis and give them a treat!
  • $50: I will back squat Mrs Bogle, 2 reps. I find my wife, pick her up, squat, put her back down. She's not allowed to run, XD!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $20: You will get your own chat (sound) command on my channel!
  • $35: Pick a game for me to stream (one stream)!
  • $40: Pick a Discord movie night!
  • $45: Pick a co-op game for us to stream together (your stream or mine, you pick)!
  • $69: I will put your name on the shirt I will wear during at least 2 HYROX events in 2025/2026!
Profile image of: GenevaLeigh


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will eat a wasabi snack!
  • $10: I will write your name somewhere on my body!
  • $50: I will do 10 reps of an exercise (e.g. squats, jumping jacks etc.)!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $75: Pick a game from my backlog for me to stream!
  • $100: I will have a dream about you (will try my best)!
Profile image of: DragonGem


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will put a cow sticker on my face!
  • $10: I will eat an Extreme Warhead!
  • $25: I will do a lime juice shot!
  • $50: I will eat a spicy Jellybean!
Profile image of: BogusMeatFactory


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: You will get a Deckard Cain Thank You!
  • $5: You will get a Thank You from King Saltine!
  • $10: I will show you what's on my desk!
Profile image of: FireABroadside


Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

Donate to select an option from the menu of wrestling moves that I do to rookies at the Newcastle Pro Wrestling training school. I will create a cameo-style video doing the move in your name!

  • $10: I will hit a Back Elbow in your name!
  • $20: I will hit a Clothesline in your name!
  • $50: I will hit a Spinebuster in your name!
  • $100: I will hit my finisher (a Broadside Powerslam) in your name!
  • $1,000: I will hit a Canadian Destroyer in your name!

Move during a show:

  • $200: My tag partner Cesar and I will hit a Broadside Neckbreaker during a show and dedicate it to you (max 1 redemption)!
Profile image of: KingOfApoc


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $20: I will say "SEGA!"
  • $50: I will go yo the nearest Taco Bell after the stream and post a picture of my meal on my socials!
Profile image of: babylonzool


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: I will give Bandit or Smokey a special treat!
  • $15: I will spin the Beanboozled or Fiery Five wheel!
  • $25: I will eat a Carolina Reaper Beanboozled!
  • $60: I will buy Bandit and Smokey a Bully Stick (max 1 redemption)!
Profile image of: Thanatos13Official


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will give you a general thank you/shout out!
  • $3: I will meow like a cat or bark like a dog!
  • $5: I will do a quick drawing with my left hand!
  • $10: You can make my next move, i.e. tell me to use a health/mana potion, stand still (5 seconds) etc.!
  • $20: I will play 'blindfolded' for 5 minutes!
Profile image of: Kopert


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will pull up a picture of some weird Brazilian food for me to explain to chat!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $20: Pick any pre-2000s game for me to stream!
Profile image of: FractalMindMike


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will wiggle my eyebrows!
  • $5: I will recommend a game for you!
  • $7: I will read an assembly instruction!
  • $10: I will play using the Gravis gamepad!
  • $25: I will examine a Diablo box!
  • $30: I will juggle!
  • $100: I will unseal a vintage PC big box game on a later stream (max 2 redemptions)!
Profile image of: DarthElwood


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: Hats off! - I will remove the headgear from the character until the end of my hour (or until other $10 are donated)!
Profile image of: SparkyPilot86


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $100: I will give the cats treats and do a Kitty Close-Up view!
Profile image of: Jogresque


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1-5: I will read your message in my attempt of a Deckard Cain impression!
  • $5-10: I will show a prop/cosplay item I have made!
  • $10-20: Who needs a mouse to play Diablo right? I will ditch the mouse for 10 minutes to play with keyboard only! 
  • $30-40: Taste of Hellfire! I will take a good taste of some of the spiciest stuff I got my hands on!
  • $50+: The Wanderer appears and takes over the stream for 10 minutes (max 1 redemption).

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $20: Pick a game for me to play on my soon upcoming CRT setup! Only 20+ year old games thank you!
Profile image of: biazarr


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: Necktie bonanza! I will put on an additional necktie!
  • $25: I will eat a bite of a chili pepper!
Profile image of: techieR0b


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will attach a clothes pin to my beard!
  • $10: I will eat a chili!
  • $20: I will spin the Wheel of Hats!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $50: Pick a GBA game for me to stream!
Profile image of: Radgryd


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $Any: You will get the Philantrophist 2025 on Rad's Discord! 
  • $10: I will move my height-adjustable desk up or down!
  • $15: I will put on a wig of your choosing for 10 minutes (Clown, Hermit or Red wig)!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $20: I will send you a diamond painting (max 5 redemptions)!
  • $50: I will put on a gooey stroopwafel face mask (max 1 redemption)!
Profile image of: Alvs_Jo


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will take a sip of a health or mana potion!
  • $5+: You will get to vote on the class I will play in my personal Diablo 2 playthrough!
  • $10: I will add extra sunglasses to my face until the end of the stream!
  • $20: I will take a sip of extra health potion aka LEMON potion!
Profile image of: CommodoreZed


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $50: You will be able to join the streamed one-shot tabletop game set in the Diablo universe (see Commodore Zed's $3k milestone; max 5 redemptions)!
Profile image of: Mytrel


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will not be able to move for 30 seconds in the game!
  • $10: I will not be able to attack/cast spells for 30 seconds in the game!
  • $20: I will put on or remove a wig without pausing the game!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $100: I will play co-op Diablo 1 or 2 with you, on normal difficulty, in a full playthrough (multiple sessions)!
Profile image of: s1gnal


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will talk through a kazoo for 5 mins!
  • $10: Rally English for 10 mins!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $20: Pick a retro game tune for me to play on the Otamatone!
  • $50: You will get 5 months of the VIP role on my channel!
  • $100: You will get a custom personal channel sound effect!
Profile image of: CrunchySnacker


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: Spice is Nice - I will down some intense hot sauce!
  • $25: Challenge Mitts - I must game with oven-mitts on!
  • $15: Become a Snack-Man - Vaelkyrie will tape snacks to my face!
Profile image of: Liquessen


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $2: I will add a sticker onto the stream!
  • $5: I will do exercices - make Liqu get the summer beach bod!
Profile image of: imicat


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will play with the Microsoft Easyball for 1 minute!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $64: Pick a DOS game for me to stream!
  • $128: I will build a retro PC of your choice on a future stream and play a game of your choice on it (dependent on available hardware and games)!
Profile image of: Grey_Area


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will attempt to say ”Diablo” correctly!"
  • $5: I will stick a sticker on my face!
  • $10: I will switch from mouse to trackball or vice versa!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $25: You will get the VIP role on my channel (max 10 redemptions!)
  • $50: You will get a custom "hello" and lights (to be set up after the stream)!
  • $75: Pick a game for me to complete on stream, as many streams as it takes (maximum of 2 rewards, game needs to be provided to me if over £15 )!
Profile image of: NerdwirePlays


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will increase the speed of the Mii Channel Music I have playing in my ears by 5% until it maxes out at 300% speed! Please specify to increase in your donation message.
  • $5: I will decrease the speed of the Mii Channel Music I have playing in my ears by 5% until it bottoms out at 25% speed! Must specify to decrease in your donation message. Otherwise I will increase the speed.
Profile image of: celefuqueen


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will put a googly eye on my face!
  • $5: I will stick a silly sticker on my face!
  • $10: I will eat a Beanboozled bean!
Profile image of: RaynorIRL


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will add a cheese puff in my mouth and continue my hour (like the game "chubby bunny" but with cheese puffs) until I can no longer add them! Will restart if needed!
  • $10: I will do 2 push-ups!
  • $25: I will do an epic Guitar Power Stance (with audio and fan effects)!
Profile image of: TechnoBumble


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1+: I will give my dog a free-dried liever treat!
  • $10: I will eat a Beanboozled bean!
Profile image of: CaptainPeelcard


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I have a chip with your chosen hot sauce!
  • $20: I have a shot of your chosen hot sauce!
  • $20 then increasing 2x per redeem: Wear an eyepatch on the selected eye for 5 minutes (I can't see out of one eye, have fun guessing which)!
Profile image of: Zarstrum


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $25: I will make a pixel art character after the event!
Profile image of: oldskooljay


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $4.86: 5 minutes of colorblind simulation!
  • $5.86: 5 minutes of 3rd person cam!
  • $6.86: 5 minute retro hardware show!
  • $10.24: Revenge of the Jooooooooohn Freeman mic!
  • $20.48: Open a sealed PC big box!
Profile image of: GlitchKraft


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

Donate $25 for a googly eye on my face

Donate $40 to make me play with my eyes closed for 5 minutes


Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

Donate $50 to make me read a cursed fanfic on stream (include link)

Donate $64 to choose a cursed DOS game for me to play (another stream)

Profile image of: JankJason


Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $25: Pick a retro console game for me to stream!
  • $50: Pick an adventure game for me to stream!
Profile image of: SteTechGaming


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: I will put a sticky note with the donor's name on my face!
  • $20: I will do 10 squats!

For every $100 raised I will do a game key giveaway!

Profile image of: Kiatic


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: I will eat a BeanBoozled bean!
  • $20: I will do a Hot Sauce shot!
Profile image of: AJenbo


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will give a small treat to Shadow the cat!
  • $5: I will give a big treat to Shadow the cat!
  • $10: I will play Diablo 1 on a hand held for 1 minute only using the web cam!
Profile image of: Stealthygolem


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: I will make sure the Amazon appreciates you!
  • $20: I will add another hat!
Profile image of: Sakkra_


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will tell a bad Diablo joke in an evil voice!
  • $10: I will wear the worst gear possible in the game for 2 minutes!
  • $15: Zool eats a bean selected via wheel!
  • $20: Zool eats a Carolina Reaper bean!
Profile image of: SeanBeanland


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will eat a spicy BeanBoozled bean!
  • $20: I will eat a spoonful of hot sauce!
  • $50: Pick a game for me to stream!
Profile image of: TeamWildwood


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1 or more: Hat of Balloon +1 - NerdatArt will add a balloon to my balloon hat!
  • $5 or more: We will send you a postcard of this year's S&R print that NerdatArt will be painting during the course of the event!
Profile image of: doctorcdcs


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1 - $4.99: Virtual Roast Beef Sandwich (Diablo Style)!
  • $5 and above: Virtual Beef and Cheddar Sandwich (Diablo Style)!
  • $100: I will drive to the closest Arby's (~100km round trip) and buy a sandwich that YOU pick from the menu* (max 6 redemptions)

*must be on the Arby's Canada menu, must be part of the standard menu, cannot be a special or time limited item, side items/drinks/deserts do not qualify. If you do not specify any sandwich when donating, I will pick one for you on your behalf!

Profile image of: HerrBawl


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will add a Diablo or Diablo II sticker onto my shirt (my choice)!
  • $15: I will sing roughly 30 seconds of a song (my choice, likely to be a drinking song or shanty)!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $50: I will add an embroidered patch of your Twitch profile pic onto my fishing vest for the remainder of 2025!
  • $50: I will add an embossed version of your Twitch profile pic onto my top hat for the remainder of 2025!
Profile image of: HouseOfMike


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: I will eat 1 Beanboozled Bean!
  • $25: I will eat 2 Beanboozled Beans at the same time!
  • $40: I will eat 3 Beanboozled Beans at the same time!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $75: Pick a game for me to stream from the full list of games that I own on my Discord!
Profile image of: mattglad


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will save *in game*!
  • $10: I will read a random line from the greatest Legunsd ever tolled!
  • $15: I will trigger a coin flip to use/waste a mana potion or not *in game*!
  • $25: I will trigger a coin flip to use/waste a health potion or not *in game*!
  • $100: I will trigger a coin flip to remove an item of armor or not *in game*!
  • $250: I will trigger a coin flip to remove a weapon or not *in game*!
Profile image of: ToastiiBear


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

I will be attaching things to a styrofoam head based on donation amounts (all higher donations include the previous tiers)!

  • $5: I will write your name on the head!
  • $10: I will stick a piipe cleaner into the head as hair, you choose the color!
  • $25: I will attach a facial feature sticker to the head, you choose whether it's an eye, nose, mouth, etc.!
  • $50: I will put a moustache on the head, and on myself!
  • $100: I will eat a Toxic Waste candy (SUPER SOUR)!
Profile image of: AtariBeerPong


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $1: I will shout out a war cry: "We smite thee in the name of <your name>!"

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $10: You will get an AtariBeerPong personal greetamus! A 1 to 5 min personal video card / Choose the personality - ABP, Dr. Evil, or Commodore Flip Cup  / Tell me who it's for, the special message or topic!
  • $25: Pick a janky DOS game for me to stream (keep it clean)!
Profile image of: Jetter_Gaming


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will do 5 sprints / laps around the room!
  • $10: I will do 10 push-ups!
  • $15: I will do 15 squats!
  • $20: I will do 20 jumping jacks!
Profile image of: HumanInteract


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: A light show happens automatically!
  • $15: Kylo Chipboard shows up!
  • $20: Chick-N-Bone shows up!
Profile image of: I_am_Tinderly


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $5: I will place a ridiculous hair clip in my hair that I have to leave in until I get home!
  • $10: I will pull a charades card out of the deck and act it out for chat!
  • $15: I will hug LGG!
  • $100: I will write SAVE.ORG on my forehead (max 1 redemption)!

Pick this reward with your donation (they will contact you afterwards for details):

  • $25: I will play a game that scares me with my cam on for an entire stream.
Profile image of: LadyGameGa


During my timeslot (for each donation at the correct amount, this happens):

  • $10: I will do a 30 second plank or Pilates ab exercise (LGG’s choosing)!
  • $20: I will hug Tinderly!
  • $30: I will close my eyes and Tinderly has to tell me where to go for 30 seconds!
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