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Half-Life narrowly wins the community vote to become the game for Save&Raid’s 2024 event!

November 15th, 2023

After a nail-biter of a fortnight, the Valve franchise, whose first game was released in 1998, only just beat Diablo and Monkey Island for the honor of being played during the charity event’s fourth installment on February 24 & 25, now subtitled ‘Follow the Freeman.’

The final tally, called around 8am PST on November 15 by the organizing team, was as such:

  • Half-Life (HL1, OF, BS - HL2, EP1, EP2) - 32 votes
  • Diablo (1 + Hellfire using DivX & 2 + LoD) - 29 votes
  • Monkey Island (1-4 using Dream - 14 votes

Early on in the voting process, Half-Life took a quick and commanding lead, but near the end the Diablo franchise made a valiant effort to close the gap. In the end, however, the temptation of wielding a crowbar as everyone’s favorite silent protagonist proved to be too strong.

With the game series now decided, the organizing team is excited to continue planning the 2024 event. Expect the merchandise shop, with the finished artwork, to go live very soon. As always, all proceeds from the sale of merch will go directly into the charity campaign on Tiltify. Most importantly, the application form for participating streamers in the event will go live on our website in early December (exact date and time TBD, but they will be announced on Discord and all social media channels as well).

So remember to keep an eye on at all times for anything related to Save&Raid 2024: Follow the Freeman!

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January 10th, 2024

For me I was like well I never played "Half-Life" so let's do this this. The game so far is holding up well, for being 25 years old. I was also surprised how well it played minus the ladder mechanics LOL.

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