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Planning for Save&Raid 2024 has begun!

September 22nd, 2023

Earlier this month, the S&R organizing team had their first meeting to discuss next year’s Save&Raid, the fourth installment of this amazing event we have all created with our communities (YOU did this! <3). Much of what was discussed is still being worked on, but there are already a few things we can share:

  • Currently three potential game series are being tested to see if they can be included in the upcoming community vote. Testing includes seeing if the games run easily on a modern OS, if the save games work for the format of the event, and if there are content warnings we have to be aware of.
  • Game series currently being tested are (please note that as testing is still ongoing we cannot confirm these will for sure be included as options for the vote):
    Monkey Island
  • The poll to decide which games we will play during the event will open in the S&R Discord on November 1st and will run for 2 weeks.
  • The form to apply to participate in S&R 2024 will go live on in early December (actual date TBD).

More news as things develop... In the near future, you can expect some hype-generating streams from team members, as well!!! Artyom and Bogle have also had a call with the NEW Executive Director of SAVE, Erich Mische. We’re extremely happy to be able to continue our relationship with SAVE and he is VERY excited to continue working with us to make Save&Raid as successful as it can possibly be. We hope to share more on that in the near future!

Cheers, The S&R Organizing Team

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