Please welcome I_am_Tinderly to the Save&Raid organizing team!

After we put out the call for someone to join us as a PR coordinator a couple of months ago, to help us raise awareness of Save&Raid both in the general online community as well as with various media outlets, we can now announce we have found a new member of the organizing team.
Please help us welcome Twitch streamer and overall amazing human being I_am_Tinderly to the Save&Raid team! Previously, Tinderly participated in the 2024 Save&Raid event and was absolutely incredible. We were very excited about the plans she had for this particular role when we talked to her.
Tinderly has already started working with us planning the 2025 event and will work on a project to build a list of relevant media outlets to contact them and help them cover the event, with everything that entails.
Thanks for joining the team, Tinderly, welcome!!! <3