Save&Raid wants YOUR feedback!!!

Save&Raid 2024 has come and gone, and although the Tiltify campaign will remain open until the end of April (so you can still support SAVE by donating, buying merch and getting us to those final milestones), we figured it was time for an update! As it stands, we have raised over $26k for charity this year, as we can add $399 to the Tiltify total from a corporate matching donation that went directly to SAVE!
The Numbers
- Amount of streamers: 59
- Hours streamed: 62
- Games Completed: 4
- Money raised: $26,160
- Milestones reached: 168
- Guitar Hero controllers used: 1
- Steering Wheels used: 1
- Microsoft EasyBall used: 1
- People who made poor choices with food: 7
- Headcrabs hit with our trusty crowbar: so, so many!
Thanks to everyone who participated, viewed, shared, donated, etc! You've made this our best year yet!!!
We have uploaded all the VODs from the event to 2024: Follow The Freeman - VODs
Please help us make Save&Raid even bigger and better next year!
Whether you joined this year's event as a participating streamer or viewer, we would love your feedback!!! Please fill in this survey (Google Form) to help us understand how we can improve Save&Raid for next year!
We would also love it if you could let us know your game preferences in our annual post-event poll (Google Form). We'll use this information to help us decide on which games to test for future events!